2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 25 董事局成员巡视东华三院李恩李鋈麟父子 中央煎药中心。 Board Members paid a visit to TWGHs Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, JP, Father & Son Centralized Decoction Centre. 董事局成员巡视东华三院马陈家欢幼 稚园。 Board Members paid a visit to TWGHs Katherine Ma Kindergarten. 董事局成员巡视东华三院胡其廉长者邻舍 中心。 Board Members paid a visit to TWGHs Wu Ki Lim Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. 机构管治CORPORATE GOVERNANCE A regular review of the Code of Corporate Governance of TWGHs is conducted every year to ensure application of the best practices. The senior executive team headed by the Chief Executive engaged in a long-term planning process in 2018 to conceive collectively the first five-year strategic plan of TWGHs for 2018/2019 to 2022/2023, which outlined the corporate directions and strategies for the Group to pursue in order to address the imminent needs of the society. Building on the success of the 1st strategic plan, the Group formulated the 2nd five-year strategic plan this year to further our century-long missions and to drive for continuous enhancements and development of our services. A Strategic Planning Workshop was held on 8 February 2023 with the participation of Members of the Executive Committee composed of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen and the Chief Executive, as well as the senior management of all Divisions/Office to review and reaffirm the strategic directions for 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 as our blueprint for continuous development and to update our service plans for scaling new heights in the years to come. Discussion outcomes have been aggregated in the Five-year Strategic Plan 2023-2028, enabling the Board to oversee the Group’s work effectively and efficiently. The Inauguration Ceremony of the Board 2022/2023 was held on 17 May 2022. Familiarisation visits to various TWGHs service units were organised for Members of the Board to enhance their understanding of TWGHs services, development and operations, and to show their support for frontline staff members of the service units. 每年定期检视东华三院的机构管治守则,以确保 达至实践最佳管治。 在行政总监带领下,高级行政人员团队于2018 年为东华三院制定首份五年策略发展计划的长远 规划,勾划出2018/2019 至2022/2023 年度的机 构发展方向和策略,以回应社会的迫切需求。在 首份策略发展计划的成功基础上,本院今年规划 第二份五年策略发展计划,继续弘扬东华三院百 年使命,推动各项服务愈益精进。 本院于2023 年2 月8 日举行策略发展工作坊, 由包括主席、副主席及行政总监在内的执行委员 会成员,与各科/办公室管理层重新检视及确立 策略方针,作为2023/2024 至2027/2028 年度持 续发展的蓝图,并适时调整未来数年的服务计 划,力臻完备。本院将讨论成果汇编成《20232028 年度五年策略发展计划》,以协助董事局有 效地监察东华三院的运行。 壬寅年董事局的就职典礼于2022 年5 月17 日举 行,董事局成员就任后展开一连串巡视属下服务 单位的活动,藉此了解东华三院的院务、发展和 运行,并勉励服务单位的前线员工。 定期检视机构管治守则 五年策略发展计划 应届董事局的成立及迎新活动 加强机构管治 Regular Review of the Code of Corporate Governance Five-year Strategic Plan Formation of the Board of Directors 2022/2023 and Orientation Programme Strengthening Corporate Governance and Planning