2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 26 A Joint Meeting between the TWGHs Advisory Board and the Board of Directors 2022/2023 was held on 25 November 2022 to strengthen communication with the Advisory Board and to solicit their advice and support for the Group’s work and major development plans. Valuable opinions were exchanged for the enhancement of the governance and management of the Group and its vast service network. Situation reports on TWGHs policy issues, significant matters and undertakings, as well as major activities held, were compiled and submitted to the Advisory Board on a quarterly basis to strengthen communication between the Advisory Board and the Board of Directors, and to enhance the transparency of the Group’s operations. 本院于2022 年11 月25 日举行东华三院顾问局 与应届董事局联席会议,藉此寻求顾问局对本院 工作和发展计划的支持,并就促进本院妥善管治 和有效管理庞大服务网络的方案,咨询顾问局的 意见。 为加强顾问局与董事局的沟通及提高东华三院 运行的透明度,本院定期编纂工作报告,汇报 东华三院的政策、重要事务、工作及主要活动, 于每季呈交顾问局。 民政及青年事务局局长暨 东华三院顾问局主席麦美娟 SBS太平绅士 ( 左图前排右 四及下图左十) 与顾问局成 员及董事局成员合照 Group photos of the Hon. MAK Mei Kuen, Alice, SBS, JP (left photo, front row, right 4 and lower photo, left 10), Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs cum Chairman of the TWGHs Advisory Board, with Members of the Advisory Board and Board of Directors 东华三院顾问局与董事局联席会议 编纂季度工作报告 加强与顾问局的联系与沟通 Joint Meeting between the TWGHs Advisory Board and the Board of Directors Compilation of Quarterly Situation Reports Enhancing Ties and Communication with the Advisory Board