2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 27 There are 5 hospitals in the Group with a total of 2,636 beds. They are Tung Wah Hospital, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital and TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital on Hong Kong Island, and Kwong Wah Hospital and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital in Kowloon. The Division is responsible for coordinating all hospital matters with the TWGHs Board of Directors and the Hospital Authority, and providing support when necessary to ensure the efficient and independent operation of all hospitals. TWGHs operates 18 secondary schools, 15 primary schools, 18 kindergartens, 3 special schools that cater for students with intellectual disabilities, 2 educational psychology service centres, a talent education centre, an academy of music and a playgroup centre for pre-school children. In response to the Government’s call for the expansion of tertiary education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community College was founded in 2005 to offer sub-degree programmes. It was converted in 2011 to Tung Wah College, a degree-awarding institute that offers bachelor's degree programmes. The administrative structure of TWGHs comprises 11 Divisions and 1 Office, namely Medical Division, Education Division, Community Services Division, Property Division, Fund-raising Division, Board and Corporate Administration Division, Finance and Supplies Division, Human Resources Division, Information Technology Division, Corporate Communications Division, Audit Division, as well as Records and Heritage Office. The Traditional Services Section is directly under the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is the head of administration and is assisted by heads and senior manager of various Divisions, Office and Section in the management of service development and administrative affairs at TWGHs. 东华三院辖下共有5间医院,设有2,636张病床。 五间医院分别为港岛区的东华医院、东华东院及 东华三院冯尧敬医院,以及九龙区的广华医院和 东华三院黄大仙医院。医务科负责统筹及协调东 华三院董事局及医院管理局之间有关管理及发展 5 间医院的一切事宜,并于需要时作出支援,以 确保5 间医院能有效及独立运行。 东华三院现时营办18 所中学、15 所小学、18 所 幼稚园、3 所为智障学童而设的特殊学校、两所 教育心理服务中心、1 所才艺教育中心、1 所音 乐学院以及1 所为幼儿而设的游戏学习中心。为 配合政府扩展专上教育的发展方向,本院于2005 年创办以副学士学位课程为主的香港中文大学– 东华三院社区书院,并于2011 年过渡为开办学 士学位课程的东华学院。 在行政架构上,东华三院共设11科及1办公室, 分别为医务科、教育科、社会服务科、物业科、 筹募科、董事局及机构行政科、财务及采购科、 人力资源科、资讯科技科、企业传讯科、稽核科 和档案及历史文化办公室。另有公共服务部直隶 行政总监。行政总监掌管东华三院的行政运行, 并由各科、办公室及部的主管及高级经理协助处 理服务发展及行政事务。 医务科 教育科 行政总部的工作 Medical Division Education Division Work of Administration Headquarters 组织、职能及宗旨 ORGANISATION,FUNCTIONS AND OBJECTIVES 该科并负责策划、发展及管理东华三院的37 个 中西医疗衞生服务单位,包括分别位于广华医院 ( 与香港中文大学合作)、东华医院( 与香港大学 合作)、东华三院黄大仙医院( 与香港浸会大学 合作)、东华东院( 与香港理工大学合作) 及东区 尤德夫人那打素医院( 与香港大学合作) 的中医 药科研中心、中西医药结合治疗中心/ 服务、中 西医结合健康管理中心( 上医馆)、中医流动诊 所、社区中医诊所、中医外展服务、中药检验中 心、中央煎药中心、中医普通科门诊部、妇女健 康普查部、综合诊断及医疗中心、计算机扫描中心、 内视镜中心、血液透析中心、复康中心、牙科诊 所、智障人士牙科服务、长者牙科外展服务及长 者医疗外展服务。 The Division also plans, develops and administers 37 TWGHs medical and health service units. These include the Chinese medicine clinical centres at Kwong Wah Hospital (in collaboration with The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tung Wah Hospital (in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong), TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital (in collaboration with Hong Kong Baptist University), Tung Wah Eastern Hospital (in collaboration with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong). It also comprises the integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment centres/services, a centre of integrated health management, Chinese medicine mobile clinics, community Chinese medicine clinics, Chinese medicine outreaching services, a Chinese medicine control centre, a centralized decoction centre, Chinese medicine general outpatient clinics, well women clinics, integrated diagnostic and medical centres, a computed tomography imaging centre, an endoscopy centre, a haemodialysis centre, rehabilitation centres, dental clinics, dental services for persons with intellectual disabilities, outreaching dental services for the elderly and outreaching medical services for the elderly. 教育科肩负策划及发展东华三院教育服务的责 任,同时为所有院属学校的法团校董会提供专业 及行政管理支援服务。教育科与属校紧密联系, 共同协作,以促进学校的专业水平和教育质素。 为了向学校提供专业辅导及咨询服务,协助解决 学生不同的学习需要,教育科设有两所东华三院 何玉清教育心理服务中心,除了直接服务有需要 的学生外,还为教师及家长提供训练课程及活动。 The Education Division is responsible for the planning and development of TWGHs education services. It provides professional and management support for all Incorporated Management Committees of TWGHs schools, and coordinates with affiliated schools for professional enhancement and the promotion of quality education. To provide schools with professional guidance and consultation support, and to assist schools in catering for students’ diverse learning needs, the Division has set up 2 TWGHs Ho Yuk Ching Educational Psychology Service Centres that offer direct services to needy students as well as training programmes and activities for both teachers and parents.