2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

机构管治及管理 GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT The Audit Division performs independent and objective reviews of various service operations and activities in TWGHs (except hospitals), and reports directly to the Board of Directors through the Audit Committee. The objectives of the reviews are to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls covering operations, finance, asset safeguarding and compliance, in order to enhance the overall governance and compliance with set rules and regulations of TWGHs, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the Group’s operations. The Records and Heritage Office endeavours to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of TWGHs and explore TWGHs past and future role in networking with Chinese communities worldwide by developing Tung Wah Museum and TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre. Since the historical development of TWGHs is intertwined with the history of Hong Kong, the Office also takes a pioneering role in local heritage preservation and provides different kinds of cultural services. Tung Wah Museum was originally the Main Hall of Kwong Wah Hospital in 1911 before being converted into a museum in 1970 to hold TWGHs archives and display many of the relics donated to and collected by the Group over the decades. It was declared as a monument by the Government in 2010 and now serves as the educational base to showcase TWGHs cultural heritage. TWGHs Maisy Ho Archives and Relics Centre was established in 2016 with the aim of collecting, arranging, conserving and preserving the Group’s archives and relics. The Centre is well-equipped with an archive repository, a relics repository, a conservation room, a digital studio and a reading room. The Traditional Services Section provides 3 types of services, mainly funeral and burial services, temples and ritualistic services, and traditional cultural services, with a total of 24 service units and major projects under its management. The 3 funeral parlours operated by the Section offer quality services to bereaved families at reasonable fees. Tung Wah Coffin Home provides temporary depository of coffins and bones as well as niche rental service. The Section also operates 12 temples, a fortune-telling and oblation arcade and a commemoration hall for the convenience of worshippers. In addition, the Section is committed to integrating traditional cultures into the daily lives of the public. TWGHs Man Mo Lounge is operated as a compact clubhouse for regular community activities. The self-service bookstore inside The School, Yaumatei provides books and cultural and creative products relating to Chinese history, Hong Kong topics, religion, philosophy and more. Meanwhile, TWGHs MM² cum TWGHs Ginny Man Chinese Cultural and Creativity Exhibition and Multi-purpose Hall provide coffee, light meals and cultural and creative products on consignment as well as venue rental services to promote the understanding of Chinese Culture and to inspire cultural creativity across the territory. Moreover, Shop by Man Mo Temple is one of the major projects of the Section to promote temple and ritual culture to the public, offering temple souvenirs and traditional cultural products, while the "TWGHs Ginny Man Chinese Cultural & Creativity Prize" is organised annually to promote Chinese culture and creative design. 稽核科为东华三院各项服务( 医院除外) 的运 作及活动进行独立和客观的审核,并透过稽核 委员会直接向董事局报告。审核的目的是评估 东华三院内部监控机制的适切性及成效,审核范 围涵盖营运、财务、资产保护与合规各方面,从 而加强东华三院的管治及合规状况,提高营运的 效率及成效。 档案及历史文化办公室致力保存及弘扬东华三院 的历史文化,探讨东华三院过去和将来在连系世 界华人社会上的角色,以及发展辖下的东华三院 文物馆及东华三院何超蕸档案及文物中心。由于 东华三院的历史与香港的历史息息相关,办公室 更担当本地历史文化保育先锋的角色,提供不 同的文化服务。东华三院文物馆原为1911 年落 成的广华医院大堂,在1970 年闢为文物馆,保 存及展示机构多年来收集和外界捐赠的文物和 档案,并于2010 年由政府颁定为法定古迹,是 东华三院历史文化的教育基地。东华三院何超蕸 档案及文物中心于2016 年成立,专责收集、整 理、修复和保存东华三院的历史档案及文物。中 心设备齐全,设有档案库、文物库、修复室、数 码工作室和阅览室。 公共服务部主要提供3 类公共服务,包括殡仪 及殓葬服务、庙宇及祭祀服务,以及传统文化 服务,合共管理24 个服务单位及重点计划。辖 下3 间殡仪馆,为有需要的市民提供质素高且价 钱合理的殡仪服务,而东华义庄则提供缓存先人 灵柩、骨殖和骨灰龛位租赁服务。该部亦负责营 运12 间庙宇、签品哲理中心及牌位库,让善信 参拜祈福。此外,该部还致力把传统文化融入市 民日常生活,如开设东华三院文武别苑作小型社 区会所,定期举办不同的社区活动。位于油麻地 书院内的自助书店则提供有关香港及中国历史、 香港专题、宗教哲学等专题书籍及文创产品。 东华三院创活MM² 暨东华三院文頴怡中华文创 展览及多用途厅(也文也武馆) 就以传统文化及 香港特色为主题,提供咖啡、轻食、本地文创品 牌的寄卖商品,以及提供场地租赁服务,推动 本地中华文化及文创设计工作。此外,小店by 文武庙为该部的重点计划之一,店内出售各种庙 宇纪念品及传统文化产品,以便向大众推广庙宇 及祭祀文化。该部亦每年举办「东华三院文頴怡 中华文创设计奖」,推广中华文化及文创设计。 稽核科 档案及历史文化办公室 公共服务部 Audit Division Records and Heritage Office Traditional Services Section 院多元化且不断革新的服务和最新发展动向。 The Division also supports and advises the Group on crisis management, taking timely actions in responding to incidents to minimise any possible adverse effects. The Division strives to enhance the status and popularity of TWGHs – the most well-established charitable organisation in Hong Kong evolving in pace with the local society – for greater public recognition and support by producing corporate publications, managing the TWGHs website content and collaborating project with external parties. All external enquiries and requests, including those from the media, for information, shooting, performing voluntary services, and visits, are processed by the Division. Complaints and recommendations from the public and service users are handled in accordance with a set of well-established procedures. image and transparency by building links with different stakeholders via various channels and branding activities. Sustaining a strong relationship with the media, the Division seeks to provide the public with adequate information on the Group’s diversified and continually updated services, as well as new developments through engagement and collaboration with various media. 此外,企业传讯科亦协助本院处理危机应变, 透过适时的回应及行动,把突发事故所带来的 负面影响减至最低。该科同时负责出版刊物、 管理东华三院网页内容及与外界合作筹划项 目,营造和巩固本院最具规模和与时并进的慈 善机构形象,以争取公众人士对本院的认同和 支持。该科亦处理外界包括传媒的查询,以及 有关拍摄、志愿者服务和探访的申请,并按照一 套完备的程序处理公众及服务使用者的投诉及 建议。 30