2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 37 While cancer is the top life-threatening killer across the territory, there are medications and therapies which can control the advancement of tumour, reduce relapse rate, increase the chance of survival or prolong patients’ life in modern medicine. Unfortunately, as the new medications and therapies are expensive self-financed items in public hospitals, some patients simply cannot afford them and subsequently lose the chance of receiving the therapy. Inspired by the Group’s tradition of free medical services, various generous donors initiated the setting up of “TWGHs MK Cancer Treatment Subsidy Fund”, which aims at providing support for needy cancer patients and their families in despair. TWGHs has set up the Management Committee and Assessment Panel for the Fund to monitor and assess applications. The Fund provides eligible breast cancer patients with clinical needs subsidies on neo-adjuvant double-target therapy currently not covered by the Government’s safety net, and patients’ attending doctors can recommend other subsidy items arisen from clinical needs for consideration by the Assessment Panel. The Fund was launched in 2017. As of January 2023, the Fund had subsidised 217 breast cancer patients to acquire self-financed medications for cancer treatment, with a total subsidy of around $30.33 million. Chinese medicine is good at strengthening and regulating the whole body, so that it can relieve treatment-related side effects in advanced cancer stages, enhance the immunity of cancer patients as well as improve their quality of life and long-term efficacy. In 2008, the Group established the “Chinese Medicine Cancer Treatment Assistance Fund” to provide financial assistance for eligible cancer patients to acquire services from Chinese medicine clinics and Chinese and Western medicine treatment centres, with an annual subsidy of approximately $2 million. As of December 2022, the Fund had approved around 600 applications this year. TWGHs allocated $1 million of public donation to sponsor half of the costs of basic rehabilitation treatment for eligible stoke patients. The project has started to accept application since June 2022, and so far it benefitted 4 patients over the past half year period. Starting from 2010, the “Renal Patient Assistance Fund” of the Group has been providing financial assistance for late stage renal failure patients to acquire haemodialysis treatments. More than $1.2 million is spent every year to subsidise around 4,500 haemodialysis treatments cases. A donation of $1 million was received to sponsor denture making for the eligible elderly. The project has started to accept application since December 2021, and as of December 2022 it has benefitted a total of 116 elderly. 虽然癌症是香港的头号杀手,但现代医学有不 少有效药物及疗法可以抑制肿瘤生长、减低复 发率、增加患者生存机会或延长患者寿命。 可惜新药物及疗法价格高昂,在公立医院属于 自资购买的医疗项目,部分病人因未能负担而 失去治疗机会。有见及此,善心人士发起成立 「东华三院乐仪癌病治疗资助基金」,秉承 东华三院赠医施药的传统,让患者及家属在危病 彷徨中得到支援。本院设有基金管理委员会及审 批小组,监察及审批基金的申请。基金为有临床 需要及符合资格的乳癌病人,提供政府安全网未 能资助的手术前双标靶治疗,其它资助项目将按 病人的临床需要,由主诊医生推荐并由基金设 立的评审小组审批。基金于2017 年推行,截至 2023 年1 月,基金共资助了217 名乳癌病人购买 自费治癌药物,资助总额大概为3,033 万元。 中医善于扶正固本,全身调理,能改善中晚期癌 症治的不适症,增强患者免疫力,提高生活质素 及长期疗效。为协助有经济困难的肿瘤科病人接 受中医治疗,本院于2008 年成立「中医癌症治疗 助医计划」,资助合资格病人使用中医门诊及中 西医药治疗中心服务的费用,每年资助额约200 万元。截至2022 年12 月,该计划本年度共批核 大约600 宗个案。 本院拨出100 万元捐款于2022 年6 月成立「中风 人士复康资助计划」,为合资格的申请者提供基 本治疗费半额资助,半年间共有4 位人士受惠。 由2010 年开始,本院的「肾病病人助医计划」 每年资助末期肾衰竭病人接受血液透析治疗,每 年支出超过120 万元,资助约4,500 宗血液透析 服务。 本院获得善长100 万元捐款,资助有需要的长者 镶配活动假牙。资助计划于2021 年12 月开始接 受申请,至2022 年12 月共有116 位长者受惠。 设立东华三院乐仪癌病治疗资助基金 中医癌症治疗助医计划 中风人士复康资助计划 肾病病人助医计划 长者免费镶配活动假牙计划 Setting up TWGHs MK Cancer Treatment Subsidy Fund Chinese Medicine Cancer Treatment Assistance Fund Rehabilitation Sponsorship Scheme for Stroke Patients Renal Patient Assistance Fund Denture Sponsorship Scheme for the Elderly TWGHs fully supports the concept of a holistic approach to treatment, in which patients’ physical pain, psychological and spiritual discomfort and the stress caused by illnesses can all be well addressed. TWGHs Board of Directors allocated funding to subsidise patient support groups of the Group’s hospitals to organise health education and social activities for patients to facilitate mutual support and sharing among patients and their families. These support groups include the mutual aid groups formed by patients of renal diseases, diabetic mellitus, breast cancer, stroke and systemic lupus erythematosus, etc. 本院非常支持全人治疗,包括身、心、灵的治疗, 因为病人除了身体上承受痛楚外,还要处理心灵 以至精神上所承受的压力与情绪问题。因此, 东华三院董事局拨款资助属下医院的病人互助组 织举办不同的健康教育和社交活动,让患者及家 人互相交流、互相扶持,其中包括肾病、糖尿病、 乳癌、中风及红斑狼疮等病人互助小组。 病人互助组织 Patient Support Groups