2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 41 马清扬主席致辞。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip, the Chairman, delivered a speech. 马清扬主席( 左九) 及董事局成员进行切金猪仪式,祈求诊所事 事顺利。 Mr. MA Ching Yeung, Philip (left 9), the Chairman, and other Board Members cut the roasted pig, wishing for smooth operation of the Clinic. 东华三院 - 香港大学中医药临床教研中心的中 医专科门诊部于2022 年5 月迁至上环东辉花园 3 及4 号舖,除提供中医专科服务外,还作为名 中医传承的基地,并喜获善长命名为「东华三院 胡李名静名中医传承工作室」。中心共设有5 个 诊症室和现代化的中药房,提供中药浓缩颗粒、 中草药配药及煎药服务。新址位置便利,更方便 长者及行动不便人士。 东华三院 – 香港大学中医药临床教研 中心迁址参神仪式 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine was relocated to Shops 3 and 4 of Tung Fai Gardens in Sheung Wan in May 2022. The Centre, named "TWGHs Kitty Woo The Centre for Succession of Renowned Chinese Medicine Practitioners", continues to provide specialist Chinese medicine services and serves as a work station for inheriting the valuable experience of renowned Chinese medicine specialists. The new site consists of 5 consultation rooms and a Chinese medicine dispensing department to provide Chinese granules and herbal drugs dispensing service with decocting service. The new location is more accessible especially to the elderly and the disabled. Relocation Worship Ceremony for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals – The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital – Hong Kong Baptist University Sophia Wang Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre, located on G/F, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital, underwent renovation from January 2022 to December 2022. The environment of the newly renovated centre was greatly improved to enhance the service quality and efficiency for patients. After renovation, the Centre is equipped with more facilities, including an addition of consultation rooms for specialist outpatients from 5 to 7, and an addition of treatment beds from 11 to 14 in acupuncture and massage area. It now comes with a 24-hour airconditioning Chinese Medicine pharmacy and herb store, registration office, assessment room, conference room, waiting area, and an accessible path for patients. 东华三院黄大仙医院 – 香港浸会大学王李名珍中 医药临床研究服务中心位于东华三院黄大仙医院 C座地下,中心于2022年1月开始进行翻新工程, 整个工程于2022 年12 月底完成。翻新后的中心 环境设施大为改善,可提升病人服务效率。中心 经翻新后,中心诊症室由5 间增加至7 间,针灸 推拿区则由11 张治疗床增加至14 张,并配备24 小时恒温中药房及中药仓、登记处、评估室、会 议室、候诊区及无障碍出入通道。 东华三院黄大仙医院 – 香港浸会大学 王李名珍中医药临床研究服务中心完成 翻新工程 Renovation of TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital – Hong Kong Baptist University Sophia Wang Chinese Medicine Clinical Research and Services Centre 翻新工程完成后的中心环境舒适,焕然一新。 The Centre is cosy and comfortable with a fresh look after renovation.