2022-2023 年报 Annual Report

医疗衞生服务 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES 42 A new appointment booking system, Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), was adopted to enhance service experience and avoid long queuing for appointment at Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinics. The System was launched in July and August 2022 for Tung Wah Hospital Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinic and Kwong Wah Hospital Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinic respectively. Patients can make an appointment for the next 24 hours over the phone. A new online feature was launched in August 2022 for patients of TWGHs Chinese medicine clinics to refill the Chinese medicine prescriptions via TWGHs Corporate Mobile Application (APP). Patients with eligible prescriptions can now place orders for refill of raw herbs, decoction and Chinese medicine granules, and settle the medication fees with a credit card or Faster Payment System (FPS) via the APP. The refill medication can be collected by patients at designated clinics or delivered to designated addresses by couriers at patients’ own cost. TWGHs will continue to enhance the online patient services and make its medical services more convenient to patients. 为提升服务体验及方便服务使用者随时随地以电 话进行预约,毋须亲赴门诊部排队轮筹。市民可 透过电话,致电「中医普通科门诊部电话语音预 约服务」预约未来24 小时中医内科及骨伤科的 诊症名额。该系统分别于2022 年7 月及8 月在 东华医院中医普通科门诊部及广华医院中医普通 科门诊部启用。 本 院 于2022 年8 月 推 出 透 过 东华三院企业流动应用程式(APP) 重 配中药处方的新功能。持有效处方的 中医诊所病人可透过APP在线下单 重配中草药、煎剂及中药颗粒,选择 于中医中心药房自取或自费派递至指 定地点,并以信用卡或快速支付系 统(FPS) 缴付费用。本院会持续提升 在线服务,为病人带来更便利的医疗 服务。 中医普通科门诊部电话语音预约服务 在线重配中药处方服务 Launch of Chinese Medicine General Outpatient Clinic Appointment Service Launch of Online Chinese Medicine Prescription Refill Service In line with the corporate direction of the Hospital Authority, the Group’s hospitals, including Tung Wah Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital put in place a variety of “Smart Hospital” initiatives, with an aim to improve operational efficiency by means of advanced technology, and in turn, to focus on patient care for enhancing service quality and treatment efficacy. Two robots have been in service at the Endoscopy Centre and Special Care Unit of Tung Wah Hospital since August 2022. The Robot at Endoscopy Centre provides information about hospital facilities and navigation services, including guiding patients to consultation and endoscopy rooms, showing a video on endoscopy procedures at the waiting area, and conducting staff training to enhance staff knowledge about various equipment. The Robot at Special Care Unit is responsible for delivering documents and materials. Meanwhile, it also provides information to visitors, and performs video visiting service and patrol service. The Hospital also broadcasts entertainment programmes through the robots to reduce the anxiety of patients. 配合医院管理局「智能医院」的发展方向,本院 属下医院包括东华医院、广华医院、东华东院及 东华三院黄大仙医院推行多个「智能医院」项目, 希望运用科技提高运行效率,从而集中资源照顾 病人,提高服务质素及治疗成效。 东华医院内视镜中心及特别治疗部于2022 年8 月引入两个机械人。内视镜中心的机械人主要提 供设施资讯及导航服务,包括带领病人前往诊症 室和内视镜室、于病人等候区播放影片、讲解各 种检查程序、以及播放员工培训影片,加强同事 对各种仪器的认识及了解。在特别治疗部的机械 人主要提供运送文件及物资的服务,并提供资讯 予访客、视像探访服务及巡视病房等工作。医 院亦会透过机械人播放娱乐节目,减低病人的 忧虑。 东华三院属下医院迈向「智能医院」 东华医院 TWGHs Hospital Striving towards“Smart Hospital” Tung Wah Hospital 机械人于2022 年8 月正式登陆 东华医院内视镜中心及特别治 疗部。 Robots have been in service at Endoscopy Centre and Special Care Unit of Tung Wah Hospital since August 2022.