2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 97 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 服务新猷 New Service Initiatives 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院启德沐安街过渡性房屋动土典礼 Ground-breaking Ceremony of TWGHs Transitional Housing Project at Muk On Street, Kai Tak 02/02 为纾缓基层市民的住屋压力,本院于启德沐安街第1B2区兴建过渡性房屋项目。项目致力打造「与好邻居共处」的和谐社区, 为住户提供多元化生活体验和支援服务。 To alleviate the housing pressure for the grassroots, a Transitional Housing Project located at Area 1B2, Muk On Street, Kai Tak was launched by the Group. Aiming to create a harmonious community with a good neighbourhood, the Project will provide a diverse living experience and support services for the residents. 我与房屋局局长何永贤太平绅士(前排左 六)、副局长戴尚诚太平绅士(前排左五)、 九龙城民政事务专员蔡敏君太平绅士(前排 右五)、秀茂坪警区指挥官谢翠恩总警司(前 排右四)及董事局成员为典礼主持动土仪式。 I officiated at the Ceremony along with the Hon. HO Wing Yin, Winnie, JP (front row, left 6), Secretary for Housing, Mr. TAI Sheung Shing, Victor, JP (front row, left 5), Under Secretary for Housing, Ms. CHOI Man Kwan, Alice, JP (front row, right 5), District Officer (Kowloon City), Ms. TSE Tsui Yan (front row, right 4), District Commander (Sau Mau Ping District) and Board Members. 我们主持碑记揭幕仪式。 We hosted the Plaque Unveiling Ceremony together. 房屋局局长何永贤太平绅士(左一)检视项目总纲图则。 The Hon. HO Wing Yin, Winnie, JP (left 1), Secretary for Housing, studied the Project's master layout plan. 示范单位 A show flat