2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 99 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院青少年全人成长中心落成祈福典礼 Blessing Ceremony of Completion of TWGHs Holistic Centre for Youth Development 东华三院曾宪备小学校舍设施命名典礼 Naming Ceremony of the School Premises and Facilities of TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School 05/03 23/03 该校是本院属下第十五所小学,以「立足中华传统文化,面向世界培育优才」为使命。 As the Group's 15th primary school, the School is dedicated to the mission of "Rooted in Chinese Culture, Grooming Talent for the World". 典礼邀得民政及青年事务局副局长梁宏正先生BBS太平绅士 (左八)担任主礼嘉宾,实属荣幸。 It is our honour to have invited Mr. LEUNG Wang Ching, Clarence, BBS, JP (left 8), Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, to officiate at the Ceremony. 该命名礼邀得廉政专员胡英明先生SBS, CSDSM (左二) 担任主礼嘉宾。 Mr. WOO Ying Ming, SBS, CSDSM (left 2), Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption, was invited as the Guest of Honour. 感谢捐建人家族成员曾庆业副主席(左一)、前任总理曾杨淑贞女 士(左二)、曾庆辉先生(右一)及曾庆芸女士(右二)的大力支持。 We are grateful to the unwavering support of the donor's family, Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (left 1), Vice-Chairman, and former Directors Mrs. Selena YOUNG TSENG (left 2), Mr. TSENG Hing Fai, Felix (right 1) and Ms. TSENG Hing Wun, Wendy (right 2).