2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 101 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 广华医院重建计划督导委员会2022/2023年度会议 Meeting of Project Steering Committee for Redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital 2022/2023 02/02 广华医院重建计划第一期新大楼验收祈福仪式 Pre-handover Worship Ceremony for Kwong Wah Hospital Phase I New Building 11/01 我与广华医院管理团队 诚心祈福,祝愿医院顺 利启用。 I prayed for a smooth commissioning of Kwong Wah Hospital along with the management team. 广华医院重建计划进度理想,第一期新大楼预计于2023 年首季起逐步启用。 We were grateful to learn that the redevelopment project was in good progress, and that the new building in Phase I would be commissioned in stages from the first quarter of 2023 onwards.