2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 103 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 开拓连系 Engagement and Networking 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 与中联办协调部交流会面 Meeting with the Coordination Department of The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG) 10/02 & 08/03 欢迎中联办协调部副部长陈泽涛先生(右四)及中联办协调部宗教处处长李永战先生(右二)于3月率领代表团到访, 了解本院庙宇服务发展。 We welcomed the delegation from LOCPG led by Mr. CHEN Zetao (right 4) and Mr. LI Yongzhan (right 2), Deputy DirectorGeneral and Director of the Coordination Department respectively, to learn more about the development of TWGHs' temple services in March. 拜访医院管理局及支票颁赠仪式 Courtesy Visit to the Hospital Authority cum Cheque Presentation Ceremony 05/01 我代表本院董事局致送200万元捐款支票予医院管理局 慈善基金,支持撒玛利亚基金资助有需要的病人购买自 费药物及其它医疗物品,由医院管理局主席范鸿龄SBS 太平绅士(右二)代表接受。 On behalf of the Group, I presented a donation cheque of $2million to the Hospital Authority Charitable Foundation in support of Samaritan Fund for offering financial assistance to the needy for self-financed drugs and other medical items. The cheque was accepted by Mr. FAN Hung Ling, Henry, SBS, JP (right 2), Chairman of the Hospital Authority. 我和执行委员会委员于2月向中联办协调部副部长陈泽涛先生 (右七)汇报本院与内地即将推展的协作计划,并就此交 换意见,以促进双方交流合作。 Along with other Executive Committee members, I shared the Group's upcoming collaborative plans in Mainland China with Mr. CHEN Zetao (right 7), Deputy Director-General of the Coordination Department of the LOCPG in February, as we exchanged views to facilitate better communication and strengthen collaborative relationships.