2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 110 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 我祝愿各位毕业生能砥砺前行,贡献社会。 I encouraged all the graduates to forge ahead and contribute to our society. 感谢主礼嘉宾教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士(右二)出席支持,并与 我一同颁发毕业证书予应届毕业生。 We are grateful to Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin (right 2), JP, Secretary for Education, for supporting the Ceremony in person, as well as awarding graduation certificates to graduates together with me. 东华三院吴祥川纪念中学及东华三院邱金元中学的学生表演舞蹈和管弦乐,精彩万分! Students of TWGHs S.C. Gaw Memorial College and TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College delivered splendid performances of dance and orchestra. 东华三院中学联校毕业典礼2021/2022 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools Speech Day 2021/2022 11/01 该活动于伊利沙伯体育馆举行,是自疫情以来首次恢复实体仪式。 The Speech Day was held at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, as the first physical ceremony hosted since the pandemic. 东华三院联校专业发展日 TWGHs Joint Schools Professional Development Day 20/03 是次发展日主题为「价值教育」,内容包括专题讲座、教学奖励计划颁奖礼及嘉宾分享环节。本院属下中学、小学、幼稚园及特 殊学校约2,500名学校教职员出席。 Under the theme of "Values Education", this year's Development Day showcased a keynote seminar, an award ceremony of teaching award scheme, and several guest-sharing sessions. The event was attended by 2,500 teaching staff from TWGHs secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens and special schools. 感谢律政司副司长张国钧SBS太平绅士(左图中)担任专题讲者及立法会议员 朱国强议员(右图中)分享有关价值教育的重要性。 Our gratitude goes to Mr. CHEUNG Kwok Kwan, SBS, JP (left photo, centre), Deputy Secretary for Justice, and the Hon. CHU Kwok Keung (right photo, centre), Legislative Council Member, for acting as the keynote speaker and sharing the importance of values education respectively.