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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 111 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 壮志骄阳嘉许礼2023 Outstanding Award Presentation Ceremony 2023 友心情网上电台「关爱同行每一天」游艺市集嘉年华2023 Radio-i-Care “Love yourself every day” Carnival 2023 11/03 19/03 是次嘉许礼颁发「最佳成就奖」及「最佳进步奖」予44名儿童和青少年,以表扬他们过去一年在学术、操行、体艺及其它方 面有杰出的表现和进步。 At the Ceremony, a total of 44 children and adolescents were given either "Best Achievement Awards" or "Best Improvement Awards" in recognition of their outstanding performance and marked improvement in academic, conduct, arts, sports and other aspects in the past year. 是次活动以「关爱自己」为主题,结合正向心理学中的「幸福五元素」,藉此唤起大众对身心灵健康的关注。 Under the theme of "Love yourself every day", the Event introduced the idea of "PERMA" from positive psychology to enhance public awareness of developing good mental wellness. 主礼嘉宾社会福利署署长李佩诗太平绅士(右)嘉许一众努力不懈的青少年。 The Guest of Honour, Miss LEE Pui Sze, Charmaine, JP (right), Director of Social Welfare, commended the children and adolescents for their dedication and efforts. 感谢劳工及福利局副局长何启明太平绅士(中)及社会福利署中西 南及离岛区福利专员甄丽明女士(右二)一同主持启动仪式。 We are grateful to Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP (centre), Under Secretary of Labour and Welfare, and Ms. YAN Lai Ming, Jenny (right 2), District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western/Southern/Islands), Social Welfare Department, for officiating.