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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 112 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 感谢「东华三院蔡荣月奖学金」捐助人暨己亥年主席蔡荣星博士BBS(左六)、「东华三院许少荣大学奖学金」代表 陈嘉媛女士(右四)、「李文辉先生夫人大学奖学金」捐助人李沅钧先生(左五)的支持! We are grateful to Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, Ken, BBS (left 6), Donor of "TWGHs Willy Tsoi Wing Yuet University Scholarship" cum Chairman 2019/2020, Ms. Karen CHEN (right 4), representative of "TWGHs Hui Siu Wing University Scholarship", Mr. Joseph LI (left 5), Donor of "Mr and Mrs Li Ven Fuen University Scholarship", for their ardent support! 东华三院升读国内大学奖学金颁奖礼 TWGHs Mainland Universities Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 东华三院奖学金颁奖典礼 TWGHs Scholarship Presentation Ceremony 04/03 18/03 本年度共有44名正在内地就读大学课程的院属毕业生获颁47项奖学金。 A total of 44 TWGHs graduates currently studying in universities in Mainland China won 47 scholarships this year. 本学年的颁奖典礼颁授「东华三院152周年奖学金」及另外12项奖学金,共有75位同学获奖。 In this academic year, a total of 75 students were awarded "TWGHs 152nd Anniversary Scholarship" and 12 other TWGHs scholarships at the Ceremony. 我与黄乾亨基金代表黄英杰先生(第一排左二)一道祝贺得奖毕业生。 I congratulated all awarded graduates along with Mr. David WONG (first row, left 2), representative of the Phillip K.H. Wong Foundation.