2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 114 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院冯黄凤亭中学45周年校庆典礼 45th Anniversary Celebration of TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College 13/01 我致送本校学生设计的纪念品予主礼嘉宾麦家荣律师行主管合伙人兼 校友会执行干事麦家荣律师伉俪(中及右)。 I presented a souvenir designed by the students to Mr. and Mrs. MAK (centre and right). Mr Patrick MAK was Managing Partner of Patrick MAK & Tse Solicitors cum Executive Secretary of Alumni Association,. 本院己卯年主席冯咏聪先生 BBS (右三)、捐款人代表冯镇聪 先生(右二)与我为萧冯惠莹纪 念图书馆揭幕。 Mr. FUNG Wing Chung, BBS (right 3), Chairman 1999/2000, Mr. FUNG Chun Chung (right 2), representative of the donor, and I officiated at the Unveiling Ceremony of Willie Siow Fung Wai Ying Memorial Library. 东华三院黄朱惠芬幼稚园30周年校庆典礼 30 Anniversary Ceremony of TWGHs Wong Chu Wai Fun Kindergarten 17/03 是次校庆主题为「童创· 童梦· 建未来」,并邀得教育局总学校发展主任(元朗) 翁惠思女士(中排右四)主礼。 The Ceremony was held under the theme "Shaping Future with Children" and Ms. YOUENG Wai Sze, Sally (middle row, right 4), Chief School Development Officer (YL), Education Bureau, was invited as the Guest of Honour.