2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 115 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院特殊学校联校运动会 TWGHs Joint Special School Sports Day 16/02 社会逐渐复常,本院首次复办该运动会,为特殊学校学生提供强身健体的机会,并培养坚毅精神。 Following the gradual resumption to social normalcy, the Group organised the Joint Special School Sports Day for the first time to nurture the physical and mental health of the students of TWGHs special schools. 我与本院学务委员会主任委员何猷启副主席(左一)致送纪念品 予主礼嘉宾香港体育学院滑浪风帆总教练陈敬然先生MH(中)。 Together with Mr. HO Yau Kai, Orlando (left 1), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Education Committee, I presented a souvenir to the officiating guest, Mr. CHAN King Yin, MH (centre), Head Windsurfing Coach of the Hong Kong Sports Institute Limited. 东华三院小学联校运动会 TWGHs Joint Primary School Athletic Meet 02/03 本院属下15间小学共有600位同学参与运动会。 A total of 600 students from 15 TWGHs primary schools participated in the Athletic Meet. 感谢教育局课程发展处体育组总课程发展主任 王庆宜女士(中)担任主礼嘉宾。 We are grateful to have Ms. WONG Hing Yee, Annie (centre), Chief Curriculum Development Officer, Physical Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau, as the officiating guest.