2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 116 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 东华三院幼稚园「童」是艺术家 2023 一 「大自然的动感建筑家」儿童艺术作品展开展礼 Kick-off Ceremony of TWGHs Kindergartens “Every Child is an Artist” 2023 - “Nature-Inspired Architects” Art Exhibition 22/03 今届共有5所东华三院幼稚园的幼儿参与该展览,以「大自然的动感建筑家」为主题进行创作。 This year, students from 5 TWGHs kindergartens participated in the Exhibition, with their artworks created under the theme of "Nature-Inspired Architects". 东华三院中学联校FPV无人机竞速比赛 TWGHs Joint Secondary Schools FPV Drone Racing Competition 04/03 该比赛由香港无人机运动总会(HKDSA)协办,让学生透过操控无人机,培养其思维、运算及解决问题的能力。 Co-organised with Hong Kong Drone Sports Association (HKDSA), the Competition cultivated students' thinking, computing and problem-solving skills, via the access and control of drones. 恭喜一众得奖同学! Congratulations to all awardees! 感谢教育局课程发展处艺术教育组总课程发展主任陈家曦博士(后排右六) 支持。 We are grateful to the support from Dr. CHAN Ka Hei, Lesley (back row, right 6), Chief Curriculum Development Officer, Arts Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau.