2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 117 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 香港道教联合会道教仙真出巡暨仪仗巡游活动庆典 Float Parade of the Hong Kong Taoist Association 12/03 东华医院职员休息室开幕典礼 Opening Ceremony of Tung Wah Hospital Staff Rest Area 24/3 我在开幕典礼上祝愿香港风调雨顺、国家国泰民安。 I extended my best wishes to our country and Hong Kong at the Opening Ceremony. 油麻地天后庙花炮,造型精美。 The "Fa Pau" from Tin Hau Temple, Yaumatei, is an exquisite work. 作为东华医院医院管治委员会主席,我与东华医院医院行政总监缪洁芝医生(右五) 及董事局成员一同主持开幕典礼。 As the Chairman of Hospital Governing Committee of Tung Wah Hospital, I accompanied Dr. MAW Kit Chee, Christina (right 5), Hospital Chief Executive of Tung Wah Hospital and my fellow Board Members to officiate at the Opening Ceremony.