2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 119 2023 一月至三月 JANUARY - MARCH 团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 奖项殊荣 Awards and Recognitions 港岛东医院联网2022年度杰出员工及团队奖、优秀青年奖 颁奖典礼 Hong Kong East Cluster Outstanding Staff & Teams Award and Young Achievers Award 2022 Award Presentation Ceremony 16/03 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 团队建立 Team Building and Empowerment 2023 一月至三月JANUARY - MARCH 与属下医院及西医服务单位员工会面交流 Meeting with Staff of TWGHs Hospitals and Western Medicine Services Units 03/03 我们与属下医院及西医疗服务单位员工时常保持联系,了解他们所需,以作适时支援。 We keep in touch with our staff of TWGHs Hospitals and western medicine services units at regular meetings, so as to learn more about their needs and render timely support. 东华东院眼科注册护士简咏珊女士获颁「优秀青年」,内科及复康科部门运行经理邓小慧女士、护理部二级行政助理叶润佩女 士及眼科初级文员林燕女士荣获「杰出员工奖」,而「持续质素改善研讨会2021/22筹备委员会」(左图)及「港岛东联网眼科 团队」(右图)则获颁「杰出团队奖」。可喜可贺! Congratulations to Tung Wah Eastern Hospital! Ms. KAN Wing Shan, Sandy, Registered Nurse (Department of Ophthalmology) received "Young Achievers Award", while Ms. TANG Siu Wai, Department Operations Manager (Department of Medicine & Rehabilitation), Ms. IP Yun Pui, Dorothy, Executive Assistant II (Nursing Services Division) and Ms. LAM Yin, Clerk III (Department of Ophthalmology) received "Outstanding Staff Award". In addition, the "Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Forum 2021/22 Organising Committee" (left photo) and "HKEC Ophthalmology Team" (right photo) received "Outstanding Team Award".