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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 13 由艺术家马兴文先生设计的「东华三院 x DC小龙马NFT 系列」象征小龙马接收了东华三院对社群的爱与关怀, 将爱传递给更多的人。 Created by artist Mr. Simon MA, "TWGHs x Drago Cavallo NFT series" symbolises love and care of TWGHs for the community, and Drago Cavallo is sending this affection to more people. 我与董事局成员一同主持展览揭幕仪式。 I officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Exhibition with other Board Members. 我代表本院颁发感谢状予慈善大使锺柔美小姐(左), 以感谢她对活动的支持。 I presented a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Group to Ms. Yumi CHUNG (left), ambassador of the Event, for her support of the Event. 服务新猷 New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 雅格酒店诚意呈献: 东华三院NFT Marketplace慈善拍卖暨艺术展览 the Arca proudly presents: TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Bidding cum Art Exhibition 本院推出东华三院NFT Marketplace网上慈善平台,呈献及拍卖多件独一无二的NFT艺术品, 为本院抗疫援助工作筹募经费。东华三院亦承蒙中环H Queen’s 赞助场地,于5 月20 日至 6月2日期间举行艺术展览,让大众现场欣赏多项NFT艺术品。 TWGHs officially launched its NFT charity platform, TWGHs NFT Marketplace, to feature a diverse range of unique NFT artworks and raise funds for the Group’s anti-epidemic work by bidding. Thanks to H Queen’s, the Venue Sponsor, TWGHs also organised an exhibition from 20 May to 2 June for the public display of the NFT art pieces. 20/05 展览Exhibition TWGHs NFT Marketplace