2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 14 由Joseph Lui@Signature Ltd. 创作的东华三院董事局成员的 NFT肖像 Artistic portraits of TWGHs Board of Directors created by Joseph Lui@Signature Ltd. Lovelly Creations Ltd. 捐出的「Planet」系列作品 "Planet" NFT series donated by Lovelly Creations Ltd. 我们于启动仪式上公布东华 三院NFT Marketplace 网址。 We announced the official website of TWGHs NFT Marketplace at the Launch Ceremony. 多谢各位合作伙伴 我代表本院致送纪念品予美亚娱乐及BEAM+ 联 席董事李濠旭先生(左图)和Atom8及ON1ON 董 事卢廷匡先生(右图)。 Our Thanks to All Partners On behalf of the Group, I presented the souvenirs to Mr. James LI (left photo), Associate Director of Mei Ah Entertainment and BEAM+, and Mr. Ken LO (right photo), Director of Atom8 and ON1ON. 东华三院NFT Marketplace 启动仪式 TWGHs NFT Marketplace Launch Ceremony 28/04 本院社会企业「i-dArt爱不同艺术」团队的艺术品亦转化为NFT作品。 The artworks of the TWGHs social enterprise "i-dArt" team were also transformed into NFT works.