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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 15 东华三院「环保村」动土典礼 Ground-breaking Ceremony of TWGHs "E-co Village" 18/06 「环保村」更荣获「环保建筑大奖2021大奖 ─ 新建建筑类别:兴建或设计中建筑 ─ 公用建筑」,本院与有荣焉。 It is our honour that the "E-co Village" clinched the "Green Building Award 2021 Grand Award in NEW BUILDINGS CATEGORY: Projects Under Construction and /or Design – Institutional". 本院筹备的「环保村」项目举行动土典礼,预计于2023年第三个季度落成并投入服务,旨在成为香港碳中和及环保教育的重要 基地。 TWGHs held the Ground-breaking Ceremony of "E-co Village", which is expected to be completed and commence operations in the third quarter of 2023. The Village aims to become a solid base for carbon neutrality and environmental education in Hong Kong. 我示范使用「环保村」的环保装置,时任行政长官林郑月娥大 紫荆勋贤GBS(右一)在旁了解项目目标及详情。 I was demonstrating the use of an environmental protection device in the Village, in the presence of the Hon. Mrs. LAM CHENG Yuet Ngor, Carrie, GBM, GBS (right 1), the then Chief Executive, who was listening to a briefing on the project objectives and details. 时任行政长官林郑月娥大紫荆勋贤GBS(左四)、时任环境局局长黄锦星GBS太平绅士(右四)、环境及生态局常任秘书长 (环境)(前称环境局常任秘书长)兼环境保护署署长谢小华太平绅士(左二)莅临主持动土仪式。 The Hon. Mrs. LAM CHENG Yuet Ngor, Carrie, GBM, GBS (left 4), the then Chief Executive, the Hon. WONG Kam Sing, GBS, JP (right 4), the then Secretary for Environment, and Miss TSE Siu Wa, Janice, JP (left 2), Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment) (formerly named Permanent Secretary for the Environment) and Director of Environmental Protection, officiated at the Ceremony.