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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 16 我们参观共物馆,了解其借物流程。 We visited the Library and gained an understanding of how items would be borrowed. 东华三院福全共物馆开幕礼 Opening Ceremony of TWGHs Fortune Library 17/06 该馆期望透过创新的免费借用物品方式,在社区建构共享资源的互助平台,并推动社区人士共享技能及时间,组织志愿者队,连 系社区力量。 The Library aims to establish a mutual support platform in the community for sharing resources through an innovative means of borrowing items for free. Meanwhile, it encourages community members to share their skills and time and organise volunteer teams for community bonding. 我期望共物馆可以汇聚人才,推动共享才能,为社区增添活力。 I hope that the Library will serve as a hub for talents and their skill sharing, thus making the community more dynamic. 劳工及福利局副局长何启明太平绅士(右三)为该馆主持开幕礼。 Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP (right 3), Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, presided over the Opening Ceremony.