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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 18 刘敏如国医大师从医70年女科传承学术交流会 National Traditional Chinese Medicine Master LIU Minru – 70 Years of Research and Clinical Experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Webinar 东华三院一海昌海洋公园控股有限公司战略合作计划签约仪式 Signing Ceremony of TWGHs – Haichang Ocean Park Holdings Ltd. Strategic Cooperation Plan 04/05 09/06 是次在线交流会由中华中医药学会及成都中医药大学主办、本院协 办,旨在传承刘敏如国医大师的学术思想及临床经验,从而推动中医 药妇产科的学术发展,促进内地与香港两地医学交流。 Organised by the China Association of Chinese Medicine and Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and co-organised by TWGHs, the Online Webinar aimed to promulgate Master LIU Minru's academic knowledge and clinical experience, so as to foster the academic development of gynaecology and obstetrics in traditional Chinese medicine as well as to promote the medical exchange between Mainland China and Hong Kong. 为加强本院学生对国家的全面认识,本院与海昌海洋公园控股有限公司推行合作计划,支持香港青少年到内地学习和发展。 签约仪式并得到中联办青年工作部部长张志华先生送上短片祝贺。 To strengthen TWGHs students' comprehensive understanding of the country, TWGHs and Haichang Ocean Park Holdings Ltd. launched a Strategic Cooperation Plan to support Hong Kong's youth studies and development in Mainland China. Mr. ZHANG Zhihua, Director General of the Youth Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, also delivered a pre-recorded congratulatory speech at the Signing Ceremony. 我以录像形式,感谢刘敏如国医大师为香港及 东华三院培育出优秀中医人才。 Through a video, I thanked Master LIU Minru for nurturing competent traditional Chinese medicine practitioners for Hong Kong and TWGHs. 感谢时任教育局局长杨润雄太平绅士(右二)、 海昌海洋公园控股有限公司执行董事曲程先生 (左三)及己亥年主席蔡荣星博士BBS(左二)出 席签约仪式。 We are grateful that the Ceremony was graced by the Hon. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, JP (right 2), the then Secretary for Education, Mr. QU Cheng (left 3), Executive Director of Haichang Ocean Park Holdings Ltd., and Dr. TSOI Wing Sing, BBS, Chairman 2019/2020 (left 2). 行政总监苏祐安先生(右二)及本院医务科代表参与是次 在线交流会。 Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 2), Chief Executive, and representatives from TWGHs Medical Division participated in this Online Webinar.