2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 20 时任食物及衞生局局长到访东华三院戒烟综合服务中心 The Then Secretary for Food and Health Paid a Visit to TWGHs Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation 21/05 07/06 适逢5 月31 日为「世界无烟日」,时任食物及衞生局局长陈肇始教授太平绅士(左二)特意到访该服务中心及本院流动戒烟诊所, 了解多个创新戒烟服务项目,包括「寄住戒」免费邮递戒烟药物服务。 As 31 May was the "World No Tobacco Day" , Prof. the Hon. CHAN Siu Chee, Sophia, JP (left 2), the then Secretary for Food and Health, paid a visit to the Centre and the TWGHs Mobile Smoking Cessation Clinic to gain an understanding of TWGHs' innovative smoking cessation service projects, including the "Mail-to-Quit" free postal services of smoking cessation medication. 我分享本院以创新科技应对疫情 的经验。 I was sharing the anti-epidemic experience of the Group through the application of innovative technology. 该活动由信山实业有限公司主办,时任创新及科技局局长薛永恒太平绅士(右三)、 劳工及福利局副局长何启明太平绅士(左三)与我均身体力行支持该活动。 The event was organised by RHT Industries Limited. The Hon. SIT Wing Hang, Alfred, JP (right 3), the then Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP (left 3), Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and I attended and supported the event in person. 参与「善用创新科技· 严防第六波疫情」展览暨研讨会 Participation in Exhibition cum Seminar on “Making Good Use of Innovative Technology and Preventing the 6th Wave of the Epidemic”