2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 22 东华三院历届总理联谊会周年会员大会暨联欢午宴 The Annual General Meeting cum Re-Union Luncheon of the Association of Past and Present Directors of TWGHs 14/06 本院一众历任董事局成员藉活动维系友谊,促进各位前贤继续参与及支持本院 院务。会上亦选出该会本届的执行委员会委员,以推动会务。 The Meeting cum Luncheon was held to strengthen the friendship among former Directors and to encourage their ongoing participation and support of the Group's affairs. The 2022/2023 Executive Committee was also elected at the Meeting to promote the development of the Association. 本院顾问局成员、董事局成员、历届主席和总理,以及高级职员聚首一堂。 Members of the Advisory Board, Board Members, former Chairmen, former Directors and senior staff had a joyful gathering. 我要感谢历任董事局成员一直以来的鼎力支援,推动本院院务 稳步向前。 I expressed my appreciation for the staunch support from the former and current Board Members over the years, which has always been the driving force in TWGHs' steady development.