2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 23 共襄善举 Support for Good Deeds 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 何文法纪念基金呈献:东华三院慈善粤剧晚会 Ho Man Fat Memorial Foundation presents: TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera 01- 02/06 本年度的慈善粤剧晚会假北角新光戏院大剧场举行,由鸣芝声剧团担纲演出名剧《花田八喜》及《红楼梦》,为东华三院 档案及历史文化基金筹募经费,以供修复文物及推广华人慈善历史文化。 Performed by Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera, the TWGHs Charity Cantonese Opera was held at Sunbeam Theatre, featuring two traditional operas – Mistake at the Flower Festival and Dream of the Red Chamber. All the funds raised will go to the TWGHs Heritage Fund to facilitate the restoration of the relics and the promotion of the Chinese benevolent culture. 鸣芝声剧团台柱盖鸣晖(左)及吴美英(右)倾力演出, 获全场观众掌声赞赏。 As the main cast of Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera, Ms. KOI Ming Fai, Joyce (left), and Ms. NG Mei Ying (right) gave marvellous performances and received big rounds of applause from the audience. 晚会邀得民政事务总署副署长张谊太平绅士(右五)担任主礼嘉宾,我联同筹委会主席曾庆业副主席(右四)及各筹委会委员 主持开锣仪式。 Ms. CHEUNG Yi, Eureka, JP (right 5), Deputy Director of Home Affairs, was invited to be the Guest of Honour. Mr. TSENG Hing Yip, York (right 4), Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, members of the Organising Committee and I officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. 伍怡总理(右)及杨焯兴总理(左)粉墨登场, 为慈善踏台板,大获好评! Director Jonathan NG (right) and Director YEUNG Cheuk Hing, Jacky (left), received great applause for the roles they played in the Charity Opera.