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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 25 活动典礼 Events and Ceremonies 东华三院联校历史问答比赛决赛暨颁奖典礼 TWGHs Joint School History Quiz Final cum Award Ceremony 东华三院幼儿园联合毕业典礼 Joint Graduation Ceremony of TWGHs Nursery Schools 09/06 28/06 该比赛让本院属校学生了解香港历史及本院的慈善精神,提升他们对香港及本院的 归属感。我亦感谢香港中文大学历史系客席教授丁新豹博士BBS出席支持。 The Quiz enhanced students' sense of belonging to Hong Kong and the Group through an understanding of Hong Kong's history and the Group's philanthropic spirit. My gratitude goes to Dr. TING Sun Pao, Joseph, BBS, Adjunct Professor of Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for his presence and support. 本年度本院15间幼儿园共有345位学生毕业,约1,000名现场嘉宾与在线嘉宾一起参与该毕业礼。 There were as many as 345 graduates from 15 TWGHs nursery schools in this academic year. Nearly 1,000 guests participated in the Ceremony in person and through online streaming. 中学组冠军得主—东华三院冯黄凤亭中学 Champion of the Secondary Schools Section - TWGHs Mrs Fung Wong Fung Ting College 小学组冠军得主—东华三院马锦灿纪念小学 Champion of the Primary Schools Section - TWGHs Ma Kam Chan Memorial Primary School 感谢主礼嘉宾时任教育局副秘书长陈萧淑芬女士(后排右七)主持本院 幼儿园联校毕业典礼。 Our gratitude goes to Mrs. CHAN SIU Suk Fan (back row, right 7), the then Deputy Secretary for Education, for officiating at the TWGHs Nursery Schools Joint Graduation Ceremony. 我透过预录片段向各位致欢迎辞,并对毕 业生送上祝福。 I delivered a pre-recorded opening address along with words of encouragement to the graduates. 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE