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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 26 联校武术队武术表演 Martial arts performance by the Joint Primary School Wu-shu Team 22/06 本院小学联校毕业礼邀得时任教育局副秘书长陈萧淑芬女士 (左一)担任主礼嘉宾,颁发毕业证书予毕业生代表。 Mrs. CHAN SIU Suk Fan (left 1), the then Deputy Secretary for Education, was invited to officiate at TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Graduation Ceremony, where she presented graduation certificates to graduate representatives. 东华三院小学联校毕业典礼 TWGHs Joint Primary Schools Graduation Ceremony 东华学院奖学金及奖项颁奖典礼2022 TWC Scholarship and Award Presentation Ceremony 2022 30/06 本学年本院为属下13间小学共1,235名毕业生举行联校毕业典礼。跨境毕业生及部分未能出席的本地毕业生可在在线观看直播, 一同分享毕业喜悦。 The Joint Primary Schools Graduation Ceremony was held for 1,235 graduates from 13 TWGHs primary schools in this academic year. Cross-boundary students and some local students who were unable to attend the Ceremony in person were invited to share the joy of graduation through online streaming. 东华学院举行是次颁奖典礼,以表扬在学业、体育和校外活动等领域上表现杰出的同学。 本年度奖学金奖项合共224个,获奖同学161位,奖学金总金额达445万元。 Tung Wah College (TWC) held the Ceremony to recognise students' outstanding performance in academic areas, sports and extra-curricular activities. A total of 224 scholarships amounting to $4.45 million were awarded to 161 students this academic year. 联校弦乐团表演 Performance by the Joint Primary School String Orchestra 恭喜一众得奖同学。 Congratulations to the awardees of scholarships! 我肩负本院主席暨东华学院校董会主席,非常欣喜能与东华学院校务委员会主席陈文绮慧女士BBS(第一排左八)、东华学院校 长陈慧慈教授(第一排右八)及一众嘉宾在典礼上见证同学的努力取得成果。 In the capacity of TWGHs Chairman cum Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC, I was delighted to join Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (first row, left 8), Chairman of College Council of TWC, Prof. Sally CHAN (first row, right 8), President of TWC, and other guests, in witnessing students' achievements together at the Ceremony.