2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

历史文化History and Culture 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 27 历史文化 History and Culture 2022 四月至六月 APRIL - JUNE 壬寅年油麻地天后诞参神仪式 “Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei” 2022 23/04 本院于油麻地天后庙举行本年度的天后诞参神仪式,以传承本地传统文化。因应疫情,本年度仪式以闭门形式举行,由我率领 一众壬寅年董事局成员进行贺诞酬神仪式,酬谢神恩。 The Group held the "Tin Hau Fest! Yaumatei" 2022 to pass on the local traditional culture. Owing to the pandemic, the ritual had to be conducted in the form of a closed-door event this year. The Board of Directors 2022/2023, led by me, performed the rituals to express our gratitude to the Goddess. 我在《天后诞滚动条》盖上印玺,寓意风 调雨顺,万事如意。 I put the seal on a scroll to offer the best wishes to everyone in Hong Kong.