2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 30 我联同保安局局长邓炳强GBS, PDSM太平绅士(前排左十一)、 运输及物流局副局长廖振新太平 绅士(前排左九),以及筹备委 员会委员等主持车队起步礼。 The Hon. TANG Ping Keung, GBS, PDSM, JP (front row, left 11), Secretary for Security, Mr. LIU Chun San, JP (front row, left 9), Under Secretary for Transport and Logistics, members of the Organising Committee, and I officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Car Parade. 本院担任活动冠名赞助,香港汽车会会长 李耀培博士(左三)代表大会颁赠感谢状 予本院,由我及筹备委员会主席李泽浩总 理(右一)代表接受。 On behalf of the organiser, Dr. Ringo LEE Yiu Pui (left 3), President of Hong Kong Automobile Association, presented a certificate of appreciation to TWGHs, Title Sponsor of the Event. Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael (right 1), Director cum Chairman of the Organising Committee, and I received the souvenir on behalf of the Group.