2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 31 季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 东华三院一年一度卖旗日于全港各区举行,今年参与卖旗筹款活动的志愿者多达10,000 人,并获超过100 间企业及团体支持, 筹得的善款用作推动本院各项社会福利及教育服务,为弱势社群送上温暖和希望。 TWGHs' annual Flag Day was held across all districts in Hong Kong. This year, as many as 10,000 volunteers joined in, and more than 100 enterprises and organisations rendered their support to the flag fundraising event. All donation raised are earmarked for various community and education services of the Group, bringing warmth and hope to the disadvantaged. 31/08 活动日Event Day 我与一众董事局成员走访各个地点,为志愿者打气。 My fellow Board Members and I visited various districts to root for the volunteers. 东华三院卖旗日2022 TWGHs Flag Day 2022