2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 33 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 我们亦继续推出网上卖旗捐款活动, 让市民透过「东华三院卖旗日」网站 踊跃捐输。 The Flag Day Online Donation was also launched to encourage public donation via the " TWGHs Flag Day " website. 今年,本院再度与本地年轻艺术家何博欣(左三)合作,以「明日东华」为主题,设计了 4款前卫及富未来感的「东华星球」圆形纸旗。 This year, TWGHs once again collaborated with young artist Vivian HO (left 3) to design 4 avant-garde, futuristic and round-shaped "Tung Wah Planets" paper flags. 精美纸旗及纪念品 Exquisite Paper Flag Stickers and Souvenirs 网上捐款及有奖游戏 Online Donation and Mini-games 我们特意推出与卖旗日冷知识相关的网上有奖问答游戏,让市民在线线下均可参与卖旗活动,寓慈善于娱乐。 Based on the fun facts of Flag Days, we launched online quizzes to enhance public participation in the Flag Day on the Internet and in the real world alike.