2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 34 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 除了颁发嘉许状予学生大使及卖旗大使,我与董事局成员亦到场勉励同学,支持他们继续积极行善。 In addition to presenting appreciation certificates to the Student Ambassadors and Flag-selling Ambassadors for their efforts, Board Members and I also encouraged and supported students in person to continue to do their good deeds. 24/09 我亦参与卖旗日宣传工作,亲身拍摄宣传短片,再加上团队制作的动画 短片,携手向市民大众呼吁! In addition to the animated video produced by the Group, I participated in the promotion video shooting to appeal for public support for Flag Day. 东华三院卖旗日2022学生嘉许礼 TWGHs Flag Day 2022 Student Volunteers Appreciation Ceremony 宣传呼吁 Promotion and Appeal