2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 35 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 服务新猷 New Service Initiatives 2022 七月至九月JULY - SEPTEMBER 2022地理信息系统应用公开赛 2022 Open GIS Competition 30/07 该比赛由本院营运的地理空间实验室主办,参赛者需根据指定主题,利用地理信息系统,创作展示香港事件或现象的网络地图。 The Competition, held by the Group-run Geospatial Lab, required all participants to use geographic information systems to develop a web map showing events or phenomena in Hong Kong based on a designated theme. 我联同发展局空间数据办事处总监陈宇俊先生(后排左七)及智能城市联盟会长杨文锐MH(后排右八)祝贺一众得奖者。 Mr. CHAN Yue Chun (back row, left 7), Head of Spatial Data Office, Development Bureau, and Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH (back row, right 8), President of Smart City Consortium, joined me in congratulating the award winners. 公开组亚军得奖者 1st Runner-up of the Open Category 公开组冠军得奖者 Champion of the Open Category Well done!