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服务新猷New Service Initiatives 38 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华学院物理治疗课程专业认证祝捷会 Tung Wah College Celebration Reception on Professional Accreditation of Physiotherapy Programme 12/07 东华学院物理治疗学(荣誉)理学士课程早前获辅助医疗业管理局的专业认证,成为全港首个取得专业认可的自资物理治疗学理学 士课程。学院举行祝捷会,医务衞生局局长卢宠茂教授BBS太平绅士亦为学院送上祝贺短片,以示支持,并跟大家分享喜悦。 Professional accreditation by the Supplementary Medical Professions Council was granted to the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy Programme of Tung Wah College (TWC), which became the first self-financing Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy programme with professional recognition in Hong Kong. At the Celebration Reception, Prof. the Hon. LO Chung Mau, BBS, JP, Secretary for Health, shared the joy with us by delivering a congratulatory video message in support of TWC. Congratulations! 我与辅助医疗业管理局主席蔡永忠先生BBS太平绅士(左三)、东华学院校务委员会主席陈文绮慧女士BBS(左二)、东华学院 校长陈慧慈教授(右二)、东华学院副校长(行政及拓展)梁镜威先生(左一),以及东华学院医疗及健康科学学院署理院长及物理 治疗学课程主任司徒佩玉教授(右一)一同主持祝捷会。 Mr. TSAI Wing Chung, Philip, BBS, JP (left 3), Chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council, Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (left 2), Chairman of College Council of TWC, Prof. Sally CHAN (right 2), President of TWC, Mr. Felix LEUNG (left 1), Vice President (Administration & Development) of TWC, and Prof. SZETO Pui Yuk, Grace (right 1), Acting Dean of the School of Medical and Health Sciences and Programme Leader of Physiotherapy of TWC, and I officiated at the Celebration Reception.