2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

服务新猷New Service Initiatives 40 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华三院少年竞速无人机比赛暨启动礼及颁奖典礼 TWGHs Junior Racer Championships cum Opening and Award Ceremony 28/08 该比赛培养小学生掌握操控无人机的技巧和飞行原理,以及他们的科技解难能力。本院属下共15所小学60名「飞手」参与比赛。 The Competition nurtured primary students to master drone racing skills and flight principles, and to cultivate their technical problem-solving skills at the same time. Sixty "Racers" from 15 TWGHs primary schools participated in the Competition. 感谢香港数码港管理有限公司行政总裁任景信太平绅士(左一), 以及香港无人机运动总会谘议局成员暨香港特别行政区立法会议员 刘国勋议员MH太平绅士(右二)为比赛主持启动仪式。 We are grateful to have Mr. YAN King Shun, Peter, JP (left 1), Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, and the Hon. LAU Kwok Fan, MH, JP (right 2), Member of Consultative Bureau, Hong Kong Drone Sports Association cum Legislative Council Member, officiated at the Opening Ceremony. 团体及个人冠军为东华三院曾宪备小学。 TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School won both Team Champion and Individual Champion of the Competition. 我和同学一起体验无人机竞速。 I joined the students in experiencing drone racing. 董事局成员一同身体力行支持是项活动。 My Board Members supported the Competition in person.