2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 41 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 开拓连系 Engagement and Networking 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 与到港事务处处长会面 Meeting with Director of Immigration 与惩教署署长会面 Meeting with Commissioner of Correctional Services 与保良局董事局会面交流 Meeting with Po Leung Kuk Board of Directors 27/07 26/07 04/07 感谢到港事务处处长区嘉宏先生IDSM (前排右五)拨冗出席会面。 We are grateful for Mr. AU Ka Wang, IDSM (front row, right 5), Director of Immigration, for attending the meeting despite his busy schedule. 感谢惩教署署长黄国兴 先生CSDSM(前排右六)抽 空与我们会面交流。 Our gratitude goes to Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM (front row, right 6), Commissioner of Correctional Services, for sparing some time to meet and exchange views with us. 我联同董事局成员与保良局董事会成员会面交流,加强彼此联系,促进本港善业发展。 Together with my fellow Board Members, I met with the Board of Directors of Po Leung Kuk to strengthen our ties and propel the development of charitable endeavours in Hong Kong.