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开拓连系Engagement and Networking 42 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华三院参与「小龙马‧游香港」艺术展览 TWGHs Participated in Exhibition “Drago Cavallo. Travel around HK.” 03/07 28/09 为庆祝香港特别行政区成立25周年,香港赛马会举办「小龙马‧游香港」艺术展览,以鼓励社区共同创作。展览展出43 只 「小龙马」雕塑,均由艺术家马兴文先生、东华三院及保良局属下中、小学学生创作。 In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, The Hong Kong Jockey Club organised the Exhibition to encourage community creation. The Exhibition showcased 43 "Drago Cavallo" sculptures created by artist Mr. Simon MA, and students from Primary and Secondary Schools of TWGHs and Po Leung Kuk. 「小龙马」更巡游至本院文武庙展出,为社区增添活力与 朝气! The "Drago Cavallo" was even exhibited in TWGHs Man Mo Temple, adding more vitality to the community. 我与香港赛马会行政总裁应家柏先生(最后排左八)、 艺术家马兴文先生(最后排右八)及保良局主席陈正欣博 士MH(最后排左六)一同主持展览揭幕礼。 Mr. Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges (last row, left 8), Chief Executive Officer of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, artist Simon MA (last row, right 8), Dr. Daniel CHAN, MH (last row, left 6), Chairman of Po Leung Kuk, and I officiated at the kick-off ceremony of the Exhibition. 我与一众参与展览的本院同学留影。 I took a picture with all participating students from TWGHs. 艺术家马兴文先生(左)亲领「小龙马」到达本院文武庙, 我亦到场欢迎! I welcomed artist Simon MA (left) as he led the "Drago Cavallo" to TWGHs Man Mo Temple. 一群「小龙马」于本院文武庙齐集,祝福一众学子学业进步。 A group of "Drago Cavallo" wished for the best for fellow students as they gathered in TWGHs Man Mo Temple.