2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

开拓连系Engagement and Networking 43 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华三院支持「第28届香港国际教育展」 TWGHs Supported “The 28th Hong Kong International Education Expo” 出席恭贺香港大学医学院新建大楼开幕 Congratulations on the Opening of New Buildings of the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong 09/07 05/07 我与教育局局长蔡若莲博士太平绅士(第一排左七)、到港事务处处长 区嘉宏IDSM(第一排右七)、惩教署署长黄国兴CSDSM(第一排左五)、 消防处处长杨恩健FSDSM(第一排右五)及香港中华厂商联合会会长 史立德博士BBS, MH太平绅士(第一排左八)一同主持展览开幕礼。 Dr. the Hon. CHOI Yuk Lin, JP (first row, left 7), Secretary for Education, Mr. AU Ka Wang, IDSM (first row, right 7), Director of Immigration, Mr. WONG Kwok Hing, CSDSM (first row, left 5), Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr. YEUNG Yan Kin, Andy, FSDSM (first row, right 5), Director of Fire Services, Dr. Allen SHI, BBS, MH, JP (first row, left 8), President of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, and I officiated at the Opening Ceremony of the Expo. 本院同学参观不同摊位,了解升学资讯。 Students from TWGHs visited different booths to learn more about post-secondary education. 我们跟时任香港大学医学院院长梁卓伟教授 GBS太平绅士(左一)及香港大学校委会主席 王沛诗女士(右二)聚首一堂,恭贺新大楼成立。 We were delighted to meet Prof. Gabriel Matthew LEUNG, GBS, JP (left 1), the then Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong, and Ms. WONG Pui Sze, Priscilla (right 2), The University of Hong Kong Council Chairman, in celebration of the establishment of the new buildings.