2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 45 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 共襄善举 Support for Good Deeds 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 信善紫阙玄观重光50周年诚意呈献: 「爱心满东华」免费医疗服务捐助计划暨慈善晚会 Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon 50th Anniversary proudly sponsors: Free Medical Services Donation Scheme cum Charity Dinner Show 03/09 承蒙行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士莅临主礼,本院免费医疗服务捐助计划的压轴活动「爱心满东华」慈善晚会 圆满举行。 Officiated by Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP, Non-official Member of the Executive Council, the TWGHs Charity Dinner Show was conducted with flying colours. 我与行政会议非官守议员高永文医生GBS太平绅士(左六)、冠名赞 助人代表信善紫阙玄观有限公司及信善恩惠慈善基金有限公司董事局 主席陈观威先生(右五)、董事黄秀德先生(右四)、协办机构代表商 业电台行政总裁陈静娴小姐(左四)及商业一台总监郭志仁先生(左二), 联同筹委会成员主持仪式。 I joined Dr. the Hon. KO Wing Man, GBS, JP (left 6), Non-official Member of the Executive Council, Mr. CHAN Koon Wai (right 5) and Mr. WONG Sau Tak (right 4), Chairman and Director of Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon and Shun Shin Kindness Foundation, representatives of the Title Sponsor, Ms. Rita CHAN (left 4), Chief Executive Officer of Commercial Radio, and Mr. Ken KWOK (left 2), Director of Commercial Radio 1, representatives of the Co-organiser, and Members of the Organising Committee, in officiating at the ceremony. 「爱心之星」许廷铿先生 Mr. Alfred HUI, the "Caring Star"