2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 46 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 我们致送纪念品予冠名赞助人代表信善紫阙玄观有限公司及信善 恩惠慈善基金有限公司董事黄秀德先生(中)。 We presented a souvenir to Mr. WONG Sau Tak (centre), Chairman and Director of Shun Shin Chee Kit Yin Koon and Shun Shin Kindness Foundation, representative of the Title Sponsor. 因应疫情,「爱心之星」许廷铿先生、「爱心大使」 COLLAR、泳儿小姐、冯允谦先生和赵祥诚先生透过预 录像片倾力演出,共襄善举。 Owing to the pandemic, Mr. Alfred HUI, the "Caring Star", together with COLLAR, Ms. Vincy CHAN, Mr. Jay FUNG and Mr. Ben CHIU, the 4 "Caring Ambassadors", could only deliver their spectacular performances for charity through pre-recorded videos. COLLAR 泳儿小姐 Ms. Vincy CHAN 冯允谦先生 Mr. Jay FUNG 赵祥诚先生 Mr. Ben CHIU