2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

主席引言 Chairman’s Introduction 时光飞逝,担任东华三院主席的一年任期经已圆满完 成。有些人说主席任期看似短暂,但每位东华三院主 席都须先以总理及副主席的身份,亲身参与各项院务, 所以担任东华三院主席的一年,是将累积多年的董事 局成员经验,在这主席任期内一次完整而圆满地发挥。 我与东华三院的善缘更为久远,可溯至大半个世纪前, 家父及两位兄长曾相继担任主席,故我自小备受家族 成员仁风善行所薰陶,幼承庭训,以善行事。紧随家 族行善足印,我自2014年起加入东华三院董事局,亦 与一众前贤长辈、同侪及东华团队相遇相知,深深体 会到「东华人」的精神、使命及责任。及至本年度荣 幸出任主席,欣喜能与壬寅年董事局并肩,志同道合, 齐心推动东华三院发展,实在为善最乐。 自加入东华后,我跟大众一样体会到东华行善的脉络 如斯深厚,百多载一直硕果累累,能凝聚各方力量, 令本院的善迹无远弗届,所以能不断吸引社会各界支 持东华善业。过去一年,新冠疫情依然肆虐,香港经 济亦见疲弱。我特别感谢现届董事局一众成员同心同 德,彼此支持鼓励,与我一同带领东华三院跨过种种 挑战。我特意将这份团队情谊,加入这本《相集》的封 面设计中,彰显壬寅年董事局成员于过去一年如何与 我齐心团结,并联同各界应对困局,戮力服务社会大 众。此外,能够做出理想成绩,我必须要感谢特区政 府、企业、资助单位与各方友好的鼎力支持、顾问局 成员及前辈的指导和教诲,以及本院每一位热爱工作 的各部门各职级同事。《相集》内页中每张相片、每 字每句正代表我对各位的衷心谢意,亦同时承载本院 年内各项活动的难忘片段,诚盼能成为各位「东华人」 的美好回忆。 年内,面对反复疫情,我与董事局同侪带领东华三院 百年善业,更觉任重道远,时刻不敢怠慢。本院紧急 推出多项应对措施,积极联同各界援助有需要市民, 让不同社群在抗疫物资、服务、经济及情绪上都得到 适切支援。除此,本院受社会福利署委托,先后营运 启德暂托中心及检疫中心,支援确诊轻症长者、复康 中的体弱长者及安老院院友。本院获腾讯资助及拨用 本院资源,先后推出两轮中医网上义诊,为新冠病患 提供视像健康咨询,惠及病人。本院亦响应「全城起 动,快打疫苗」运动,鼓励属下员工、安老院舍合适 院友,以及属校学生等接种疫苗。同时,本院属下寰 宇殡仪馆亦借出遗体存放位置予衞生署使用,并开放 地下灵堂予业界免费租用,及后又将寰宇殡仪馆转为 新冠离世人士指定瞻仰遗容殡仪馆,并为新冠离世人 士免费提供直接过境丧礼服务名额,好让逝者安息, 生者释怀。 年内的筹募工作,除了恒常筹款活动外,我们亦锐 意举办了多项「破格」筹募活动,以创新手法去拉近 东华三院与年青人的距离,让他们更关注本院,更 多社群成为「东华人」一份子。本年度,我们建立 东华三院NFT Marketplace 慈善平台,创本港筹募 Time flies, and my one-year term as Chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) has been successfully completed. Some people say that while the term of office of the Chairman may seem short, every TWGHs Chairman must have been dedicatedly involved in the affairs and services of the Group in the capacity of Director and then Vice Chairman beforehand. So the year of chairmanship is indeed an all-out and all-round exercise of the years of experience previously gained as member of the Board. I have a long association with TWGHs, dating back more than half a century. My father and my two elder brothers all once served as Chairman. I was raised with the family tradition of philanthropy and I was taught kindness and empathy even as a child. Following the philanthropic footsteps of the family tradition, I joined the Board of Directors of TWGHs in 2014. Working along with my predecessors, peers and other TWGHs team members, I have come to understand and appreciate the spirit, mission and responsibility of "Tung Wah People". This year, I am honoured and privileged to have become the Chairman. Plus, I feel excited to have got the chance to work with my fellow Board Members 2022/2023 as like-minded people towards a common goal of promoting the development and charity work of TWGHs. Since joining the Group, I have had the same hearty appreciation as members of the public for TWGHs' deep roots of charity, which have borne great fruits over the past century or so. Such a tradition has garnered the support of various parties to make our charity work more sustainable, accessible and appealing to the community. In the past year, the pandemic has continued to play havoc on Hong Kong, resulting in a sluggish economy across the territory. Notwithstanding the headwind, I am particularly grateful to the incumbent Board of Directors for their unity, support, and encouragement in joining me to lead TWGHs through all these challenges. I have especially incorporated this team spirit into the cover design of this Album, illustrating how all the members of the Board 2022/2023 have worked in solidarity with me over the past year to address the challenges with different sectors and serve the community with no efforts spared. For all these satisfactory results, I also owe a debt of gratitude to the Government, corporations, sponsors and partners for their arduous support, to members of the Advisory Board and our predecessors for their guidance and advice, and to TWGHs staff members at different levels serving in various departments who are passionate about their work. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you with the photos and texts in the Album, as all of them captured the memorable moments of our activities and engagements during the year. I sincerely hope that they will make a fond memory for all "Tung Wah People". In the face of the recurring epidemics during the year, my fellow Board members and I felt that we had a great responsibility to lead TWGHs in its century-old mission and we never dared to procrastinate in the slightest bit. The Group launched several emergency measures and worked proactively with various sectors to help members of the public in need, so that different communities could receive appropriate support in terms of supplies, services, finances and emotions. In addition, the Group was commissioned by the Social Welfare Department to operate Kai Tak Holding Centre and Quarantine Centre to support the elderly with confirmed minor illnesses, the frail elderly in rehabilitation and residents of residential care homes for the elderly. Thanks to the financial support of Tencent and the allocation of the Group's own resources, two rounds of free Chinese medicine consultation were launched online to provide video health consultations for COVID-19 patients. The Group also supported the "Early Vaccination for All" campaign, encouraging our staff members, eligible residents of our elderly homes and students of our schools to receive vaccinations. Meanwhile, TWGHs Global Funeral Parlour loaned out body storage spaces for use by the Department of Health and opened its basement mourning halls for the funeral industry free of charge. Later, the Parlour became a designated venue for the visitation of the deceased with COVID-19. It also provided free places for direct transit funeral services for the deceased with COVID-19, so that they could rest in peace and their bereaved families could be relieved. In addition to our regular fund-raising activities, we also organised some “out-of-the-box” ones during the year to bring TWGHs closer to the younger generations through innovative approaches, so that they would be more aware of the Group and become part of "Tung Wah People". This year, we launched TWGHs NFT Marketplace, a new fund-raising initiative in Hong 2