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共襄善举Support for Good Deeds 48 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER Feline Soulmate NFT新闻发布会暨东华三院NFT Marketplace 慈善NFT捐赠活动 Press Conference of Feline Soulmate NFT Collection cum TWGHs NFT Marketplace Charity Donation Activity 东华三院参与腾讯「99公益日」 TWGHs Participated in Tencent “99 Giving Day” 26/08 30/08 我与连浩民总理(左)代表本院感谢及接受Feline Soulmate NFT 创办人刘晨芝小姐(右)送赠之21件NFT作品。 Together with Mr. Joseph LIN (left), Director, I thanked and received on behalf of the Group the 21 pieces of NFT works donated by Ms. Adrienne LAU (right), Founder of Feline Soulmate NFT. 劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡太平绅士(左六)、腾讯集团公共事务副总裁暨腾讯基金会行政总监李子树先生(左七)与我们一众受惠 机构代表进行启动仪式。 The Hon. SUN Yuk Han, Chris, JP (left 6), Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. LI Tsz Shu, James (left 7), Tencent Vice President of Public Affairs and Tencent Foundation Executive Director, and the representatives of beneficiary organisations including myself, officiated at the Kick-off Ceremony. 新世界发展有限公司及新世界口罩捐赠仪式 Ceremony of Mask Donation by New World Development Company Limited and NewWorld Mask 30/08 衷心感谢新世界发展有限公司及新世界口罩捐赠130万个口罩予本院医疗、教育、社会及公共服务等各单位,以支援本院抗疫工作。 Our heartfelt thanks go to New World Development Company Limited and NewWorld Mask for their generous donation of 1.3 million Masks to the service units of TWGHs Medical, Education, Community and Traditional Services, in support of the Group's anti-epidemic efforts. 我在行政总监苏祐安先生(右一)陪同下,代表本院颁发感谢状予新世界建筑有限公司口罩制造及业务部主管叶俊杰先生(左二)、 副董事(产品制造及创新)蔡兆然先生(右三)、高级经理黄楚峰先生(右二)及销售及市场经理李嘉贺小姐(左一),以感谢该公司的捐助。 Accompanied by Mr. SU Yau On, Albert (right 1), Chief Executive, I presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Tommy IP (left 2), Head of Mask Production & Business, Mr. Stanley CHOY (right 3), Associate Director (Products Production & Innovation), Mr. Able WONG (right 2), Senior Manager, and Ms. Denice LI (left 1), Sales & Marketing Manager of New World Construction Company Limited, to express our gratitude on behalf of TWGHs for their generosity.