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活动典礼Events and Ceremonies 50 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华三院幼稚园联校毕业典礼2021/2022 Joint Graduation Ceremony of TWGHs Kindergartens 2021/2022 东华学院2022/2023年度开学典礼 TWC Inauguration Ceremony 2022/2023 22/07 02/09 本院幼稚园举行在线线下联校毕业典礼,邀得香港教育大学校长及公共政策讲座教授张仁良SBS太平绅士(右图,后排左一) 主礼,并向1,325名应届毕业学童颁发毕业证书。 In both online and offline modes, the Joint Graduation Ceremony of TWGHs Kindergartens was held with Prof. CHEUNG Yan Leung, Stephen, SBS, JP (right photo, back row, left 1), President and Chair Professor of Public Policy, The Education University of Hong Kong, officiating. Graduation certificates were distributed among 1,325 graduates this year. 东华学院举行开学典礼,欢迎逾千名新生入读护理学院、医疗及健康科学学院、管理学院及人文学院所开办的16 个学位、 副学位及文凭课程。 An inauguration ceremony was held at Tung Wah College (TWC) to welcome over 1,000 new students admitted to 16 degree, subdegree and diploma programmes offered by the School of Nursing, School of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Management and School of Arts and Humanities. 我与东华学院校务委员会主席陈文绮慧女士BBS (第一排右三)、东华学院校长陈慧慈教授(第一排 左四)及一众学院团队于典礼上欢迎新生。 Mrs. CHAN MAN Yee Wai, Viola, BBS (first row, right 3), Chairman of College Council of TWC, Professor Sally CHAN (first row, left 4), President of TWC, TWC team members and I welcomed the freshmen at the Ceremony. 我在典礼上致辞,藉著分享参与赛车运动超过20 年的 经验,勉励新生在学习路途上,迎难而上,突破自我。 In my welcome address to freshmen, I shared my experience in motorsports for more than 20 years to encourage them all to be tenacious throughout their learning journey, so that they could rise to the challenges ahead and achieve personal breakthroughs.