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奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 51 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 东华三院「好人好事‥英文写作比赛2021/2022 」 颁奖典礼 TWGHs “Good People, Good Deeds: English Writing Competition 2021/2022” Award Presentation Ceremony 17/09 是项公开比赛旨在鼓励全港中学及高小学生发掘及学习身边的好人好事,以及培养学生对英语写作的兴趣。我颁发纪念品予主礼 嘉宾香港大学教育学院副院长卢婉怡博士(右)。 Open to all secondary and upper primary school students in Hong Kong, the Competition aims at inspiring students to appreciate and learn from the good deeds by good people around them, and also nurturing their interest in English writing. I presented a souvenir to Dr. LO Yuen Yi (right), Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching), Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 奖项殊荣 Awards and Recognitions 港岛东医院联网2021年度杰出员工及团队奖、 优秀青年奖颁奖典礼 Presentation Ceremony of Hong Kong East Cluster Outstanding Staff & Teams Award and Young Achievers Award 2021 21/07 本年度东华东院共有两位员工获颁「优秀青年奖」。我出席颁奖典礼,以表扬及支持得奖者。 This year, 2 staff from Tung Wah Eastern Hospital (TWEH) won the "Young Achievers Award". I attended the Ceremony to show my appreciation and support to the awardees. 我及时任东华东院医院行政总监程伟权医生(左一)赞扬得奖者以爱心和关怀服务市民。 Dr. CHING Wai Kuen (left 1), the then Hospital Chief Executive of TWEH, and I complimented the awardees for their love and care in serving patients. 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER