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奖项殊荣Awards and Recognitions 52 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 本院举行祝捷会,庆祝本院属校学生于该比赛获得多个奖项。该比赛由香港新一代文化协会及全国青少年航天创新大赛组委会 秘书处—中国航天科技国际交流中心合办,以增进学生的航天知识。 The Group held a celebration for its awarded students in the Competition. With an objective to enhance students' aerospace knowledge, the Competition was co-organised by Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association and National Youth Aerospace Innovation Competition Committee Secretariat – International Cooperation Center of China Aerospace. 东华三院获警务处颁发「好机构奖」 TWGHs awarded “Good Organisation Award” by Hong Kong Police Force 「香港青少年航天创新大赛」一东华三院祝捷会 Celebration for TWGHs Schools Awarded in "Hong Kong Youth Aerospace Innovation Competition" 28/08 02/08 我们在警务处总警司(刑事支援)(刑事部)余铠均女士(右二)手中接受警务处颁发的「好机构奖」,以表扬本院在保护儿童 方面作出重大贡献。 We received the "Good Organisation Award" from Ms. YU Hoi Kwan (right 2), Chief Superintendent of Police (Crime Support) (Crime Wing), Hong Kong Police Force, for major contributions of TWGHs to the protection of children. 我与本院庚申年总理杨国佳先生(右四)祝贺一众得奖学生。 Mr. K.K. YEUNG (right 4), TWGHs Director 1980/1981, and I extended our congratulations to the awarded students. 本院庚申年总理杨国佳先生(右四)为学生送上礼物。 Mr. K.K. YEUNG (right 4), TWGHs Director 1980/1981, presented gifts to students.