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团队建立Team Building and Empowerment 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER 53 团队建立 Team Building and Empowerment 东华三院足球队集训开展仪式暨夏日挑战赛 TWGHs Staff Football Team Kick-off Ceremony of Practice Session cum Challenge Match 东华三院员工龙舟队及足球队周年聚会2022/2023 TWGHs Staff Dragon Boat and Football Team Annual Gathering 2022/2023 27/08 10/09 是次活动为东华三院足球队新球季的集训揭开序幕,一众董事局成员及嘉宾落力竞技,尽兴而归。 To mark the beginning of the new practice session of TWGHs Football Team, a kick-off ceremony was held. Both the Board Members and the guests had a great time, as everyone gave their best in the match. 为答谢龙舟队及足球队在疫情下仍积极备战,时刻准备代表本院参与赛事,我与人力资源委员会主任委员邓明慧副主席及人力 资源委员会副主任委员吴郑雅瑜总理特别赞助本年度聚会,慰劳队员付出的努力。 To express our appreciation to members of the Dragon Boat and Football Teams for their vigorous and ongoing practice amid the pandemic, Ms. TANG Ming Wai, Mandy, Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of Human Resources Committee, Mrs. NG CHENG Nga Yu, Emmi, Director cum Vice-Chairman of Human Resources Committee, and I sponsored the Annual Gathering this year. 我联同董事局成员及高级职员,感谢龙舟队及足球队队员为本院落力练习。 Board Members, Senior Staff and I thanked members of the Dragon Boat and Football Teams for their strenuous efforts in practising for the Group. 2022 七月至九月 JULY - SEPTEMBER