2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

3 主席引言 Chairman’s Introduction Kong, with charity auctions of various NFT artworks, including those by "i-dArt" artists, those based on Hong Kong films, portraits of Board members, Drago Cavallo created by the renowned artist Simon MA, "TWGHs NFT Artistic Creation 3.0 - Our Campus", a collection of quality NFT artwork created by secondary students from TWGHs schools, and all promotion campaigns launched in collaboration with Dr. AU YEUNG Wai Hoo, Benjamin, more commonly known as internet celebrity “Ben Sir”, etc. The Group was invited to be beneficial organisation in various exciting charity events, such as the “Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved 'UP WE GO! Reaching for New Horizons' Charity Sale of Limited Edition Mini Sculpture" and the “LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU KIND-HEARTED CHARITY ROADSHOW”. Meanwhile, we also launched the “Man Mo Temple 175th Anniversary x Sanrio” limited edition stuffed toy set, extending our network in charity. In addition to that, the Group became the title sponsor of “HKAA 'HZM Bridge Car Parade' in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR”, with about 120 super sports cars and vintage cars joining this spectacular and lively parade. It was a meaningful and innovative way to raise funds for Hot Meal Service for the underprivileged, and to promote the close ties among Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. As to medical services, TWGHs provides free Chinese and Western medical services for about 900,000 people every year. During the year, significant progress was made in the redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital, with the completion of construction works for Phase I in December 2022 and the design and tendering of the new building for Phase II being planned and scheduled for completion in 2029. Chinese medicine services of the Group also saw a smooth development during the year. Tung Wah Hospital - The University of Hong Kong Clinical Centre for Teaching and Research in Chinese Medicine was relocated to new premises to provide patients with better and more convenient services. In addition to that, we successfully co-organised the "National Traditional Chinese Medicine Master LIU Minru - 70 Years of Research and Clinical Experience in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Webinar", with the aim of passing on the academic knowledge and clinical experience of Master LIU and promoting medical exchanges between Mainland China and Hong Kong. Education services are one of the frontiers of our engagement with young people. During the year, we were keen to incorporate innovative and technological elements to better prepare our students for the challenges of the new technological era under the trend of STEM education. With the assistance of Hong Kong Drone Sports Association, the first "TWGHs Junior Racer Championships" was held to equip students with the skills and principles of drone operation and to identify students with potential for training. Quality education brings great benefits to the youth. During the year, TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School and TWGHs Fong Shu Fook Tong Kindergarten were relocated to new campuses/premises to provide a better environment and facilities for children to learn and grow. Meanwhile, in view of the gradual stabilisation of the epidemic, the Group arranged for TWGHs Student Ambassadors 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 to participate in exchange programmes in Singapore and London respectively, so that the students could broaden their horizons and become more equipped for contribution to the community in the future. As young people are the pillars of our society, we must stay focused on their different needs and help them face the challenges of life. The Group's Youth Hostel Project at Hollywood Road in Sheung Wan was under construction during the year and is expected to be completed in 2025 at the earliest, providing below-market-rent accommodation for working youths. Besides, the Group's Holistic Centre for Youth Development in San Po Kong was put into service in phases. It will provide young people with arts, cultural, events and facilities on par with international standards, with great efforts to promote youth development. Housing remains one of the challenges faced by the community and the Group has responded proactively to the Government's transitional housing projects in recent years. Among others, the projects at Lok Wo Sha Lane in Ma On Shan, Muk On Street in Kai Tak, and Lau Fau Shan in Yuen Long, proposed by the Group, received funding support from the Housing Bureau during the year to provide over 2,100 flats with bathrooms and cooking space to meet the pressing needs of families on the Public Rental Housing waiting list and those in poor living conditions. In addition, a number of new community service units were launched during the year, to provide a wide range of services for the public, including Fortune Library, Infinity, Sky Blue Club Men Development Centre and so forth. I would like to thank all the officials and dignitaries who attended the ceremonies. Please refer to the Album for the inspiring moments of the events. 新猷,慈善拍卖多款NFT 作品,包括有「i-dArt 爱不 同艺术」画家的创作,以香港电影为主题的作品、 董事局成员肖像及由著名艺术家马兴文创作的DC小 龙马,并推出「东华NFT艺术创作3.0 走入校园篇」 邀本院中学生创作NFT 艺术画作,以及联乘网红 欧阳伟豪博士「Ben Sir」宣传等。本院更获多个潮流 创意单位邀请为慈善活动受惠机构,包括「Inges Idee x AllRightsReserved『UP WE GO! 迈上新景象』限量 小型雕塑作品慈善义卖」及「LINE FRIENDS MEETS URDU 善心 · 慈善活动」等,精彩纷呈。本院亦有推出 「文武庙175 周年纪念联乘Sanrio」限定毛公仔套装 作慈善发售,扩阔慈善网络。另外,本院亦担任「香 港汽车会主办庆祝特区成立25周年港珠澳大桥汽车巡 游」的冠名赞助,约120 辆超级跑车和古董车参与巡 游,场面热闹。这不单以崭新筹募新概念为基层热食 服务筹款,亦宣扬港珠澳三地一心概念,别具意义。 医疗服务方面,东华三院至今每年为约90万人次提供 免费中西医疗服务。年内,广华医院重建计划于年内取 得重要进展,第一期的建筑工程于2022年12月完成, 而第二期新大楼的设计及招标工作亦正在规划当中, 整项重建计划预计于2029年竣工。 本院中医服务在年内亦发展顺利。东华医院—香港大 学中医药临床教研中心已迁往新址,为病人提供更臻 完善及便捷的服务。此外,由本院协办的「刘敏如国 医大师从医70年女科传承学术交流会」亦圆满举行, 旨在传承大师的学术思想及临床经验,促进内地和香 港的医学交流。 教育服务是我们与年青人接触的前沿之一,年内我锐 意加入创新及科技元素,让本院同学在STEM教育趋 势下作更好准备,迎接新科技年代的挑战。在香港无 人机运动总会协助下,本院举行首届「东华三院少年 竞速无人机比赛」,旨在让学生掌握操控技巧和飞行 原理,并发掘有潜质的学生加以培育。 春风化雨,东华三院蔡荣星小学及东华三院方树福堂 幼稚园于年内正式迁往全新校舍,让同学可在更卓越 的环境及设施中学习成长。同时,有见疫情渐趋稳定, 本院亦于年内安排2021/2022及2022/2023年度东华 三院学生大使,分别前赴新加坡及伦敦参与交流活动, 使同学增广见闻,拓阔视野,日后成才报答社会。 青少年是社会的栋梁,我们须继续关注他们的不同需 要,以助其面对人生种种挑战。年内,本院上环荷李 活道青年宿舍发展项目正在施工,最快可望于2025年 竣工,为在职青年提供低于市值租金的住宿单位。此 外,本院新蒲岗青少年全人成长中心亦分阶段投入服 务,为青年人提供具国际水平的艺术文化活动及设施, 全力推动培育青年发展的工作。 房屋问题是社会面对的挑战之一,故本院近年积极响 应政府推展过渡性房屋计划。由本院建议位于马鞍山 落禾沙里、启德沐安街及元朗流浮山的过渡性房屋项 目于年内获房屋局拨款支持,将合共提供逾2,100 个 附设浴室及煮食空间的单位,一解轮候公屋家庭及居 住环境恶劣人士的燃眉之急。此外,年内亦有多个社 会服务单位相继开幕启用,为市民提供多元化服务, 包括福全共物馆、荟龄AI 生活馆、男天汇男士成长中