2022-2023 相集 Photo Album

季度焦点Highlight of the Quarter 58 2022 十月至十二月 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 十分感谢一众屋邨、屋苑、小巴和的士团体及中医团队的鼎力支持,为「欢乐满东华2022」筹得更多善款。 We were much grateful for the fund-raising activities organised by different groups, including public and private housing estates, minibus and taxi associations, as well as Chinese medicine groups, in support of "Tung Wah Charity Gala 2022". 12/01/2023 香港的士商会有限公司 Hong Kong Taxi Owners' Association Ltd. 绿色专线小巴总商会 G.M.B. Maxicab Operators General Association Ltd. 非常感谢「屋邨屋苑筹款比赛」之冠军屋邨田湾邨(左)及冠军屋苑香港仔中心(右)的大力支持! Our gratitude goes to Tin Wan Estate (left) and Aberdeen Centre (right), Champions of "Public and Private Housing Estates Fund-raising Competition", for their ardent support! 香港注册中医学会 Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association 香港公共小巴车主司机协进总会 H.K. Public Light Bus Owner & Driver Association 颁奖晚会 Award Presentation Dinner